Project Partners

Lifelong Guidance 5.0 will seek to transform guidance services in Europe, providing long-lasting cooperation among guidance practitioners. We will carry our four main activities. Discover the project parts that seek to bring this vision to life below.

The Adult Education Association Baden-Württemberg (VHS Verband)

The Adult Education Association Baden-Württemberg (VHS Verband) is the professional and interest association of the 170 Volkshochschulen and their more than 700 branch offices in the German Bundesland Baden-Württemberg. Volkshochschulen are by far the most important providers of adult education in Germany. They are usually run by municipalities or other public authorities. In Baden-Württemberg, more than 2 million adults visit classes at the Volkshochschulen every year. VHS is running the project in cooperation with LN WBB. The State Network of Continuing Education Counseling Baden-Württemberg (LN WBB) comprises around 200 member institutions that provide free, independent advice on general, vocational and academic continuing education.


The Foundation was founded in 2002 and is a non-profit organisation. It studies, accumulates and distributes information on every imaginable aspect of Lifelong Learning- Strategies in which the systematics of Valuation/Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) plays a structuring role. The mission of EC-VPL is the sustainable development of ‘the self’, i.e. the citizen who, based on his/her self-reflection and self-management of competences, can be the true owner of his/her personal and continuous development process within the present ‘learning society’.


IUC Z-GROUP is a private owned organisation with 57 shareholders (2000 employees) that are manufacturing companies in the region of Jämtland, Sweden. Its mission is to support the development of our stakeholders (companies). IUC Z-GROUP provides and verifies training and education to member companies. It creates and co-ordinates development programs within the areas of market, production and leadership. It arranges network activities such as seminars, meetings, workshops, exhibitions and study visits. Another new task is the coaching of redundant workers. IUC Z-GROUP is a matchmaker of urgent recruitment needs. It also offers support to member companies in various matters such as contact with authorities.


Founded in 1386, Ruperto Carola is the oldest university in today's Germany and one of Europe’s leading research institutions. Its success across all funding rounds of the Excellence Competition and international rankings underscore its leadership role and excellent reputation in the academic, scientific and research landscape. According to its motto »Semper apertus« (»Always open«) Heidelberg University, in a spirit of open-mindedness and tolerance toward individuals and ideas, aspires to generate and harness knowledge and skills for the benefit of today’s and future generations.


The European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL) is a Brussels-based network of regions aiming to contribute to EU policy-making and cooperate in projects in the field of lifelong learning. Based on the unique strengths of every region and local authority, EARLALL facilitates regional collaborations and partnerships, as well as an open and rapid exchange of knowledge in a context of trust and confidence. EARLALL believes that regions and local authorities have a privileged role in designing and implementing strategies related to it, since they are indirect contact with educational institutions, the business environment and, most notably, citizens.


The VHS Vienna has a longstanding tradition of outreach and empowerment work especially in municipal social housing projects. We have more than 125 years of experience in the field of adult education which made it possible for millions of people to work on their skills and most of all to break social barriers. We developed into one of the biggest organisations for adult education in the German speaking countries. We offer about 20.000 courses every year. Around 140.000 people register for VHS Vienna courses. The VHS Vienna provides the basis for further education for people with different qualification by its huge range of courses and its democratic approach to education.